Monday, 28 November 2011

Day 1- Thursday

So today I decided that enough was enough. I'd had enough of getting drunk and waking up next to a fat ginger. I'd had enough of waking up the following week, hungover, next to the fat gingers boss. I'd had enough of logging into my Facebook only to cringe when 12 notifications were telling me that new photos from the night before had been uploaded, and my uncle had commented on them, which meant that at any moment I was due a phone call from my mother, lecturing me about my life-style and lack of self discipline. Worst of all, I'd had enough of going into work and seeing my colleague, who was supposed to be my re-bound guy after our steamy but alcohol induced one night stand, flirting with my other much blonder and skinnier colleague. So today I decided that, for two whole weeks, I would give up alcohol and men, as the two, particularly combined, were making my life somewhat of a train wreck.

This meant that come 4pm when my lecture finished and I went to meet my friends at the pub I would be ordering a diet coke, no ice, slice of lime. And that's what I did. It wasn't even hard, but my friends found the whole thing highly amusing, and as they sat glugging away pints of cider and black, so did I. My entire social life evolved around trips to the pub and one night stands.

Shit. I was screwed.

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